Use of this website and any transactions with Elite Nutritional Products, INC is subject to the terms and agreements set forth on this page. These policies will govern all business transactions between the seller, “Elite Nutritional Products, INC” and you, the buyer.

Business Verification

To protect our retailers, Elite Nutritional Products, INC requires retailers to verify their business before releasing any pricing information. We require a copy of your sales tax license, vendor’s certificate or resale certificate. Verification of these documents typically occurs in two hours or less but may take 24 hours to process.


To order please use any of the options below:

  • Call us with your order anytime between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM PST and speak with our knowledgeable team (877-596-9931).
  • Call after hours and leave us a message with your name, business and order (877-596-9931).
  • Fax in your order to (503-491-5589).
  • Text your order to (877-596-9931).
  • Email your order to
  • Log-on to our website and place your order using our secured servers.

Unlike other companies, we do not require Item ID’s or SKU’s to order. Our team knows our products and your time is very valuable. We promise the fastest ordering process available!





Any order under $250 will be billed $7.99 using the carrier of our choice. A non-liquid order greater than $250 will be eligible for free shipping using the carrier of our choice. An order greater than $250 containing RTD (ready-to-drink) items will be billed $5.00 per case using the carrier of our choice. 


Typically orders are processed within minutes of receipt. While all reasonable accommodations will be made, Elite Nutritional Products make no guarantee that an item can be added to a previous order. 


Elite Nutritional Products will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate your shipping needs. While we reserve the right to ship using the carrier of our chose, you may elect to use a different carrier. You would then be responsible for any additional charges greater than our carrier of choice. 

Expedited Shipping

Should you choose to expedite a shipment you will be responsible for all applicable charges greater than our preferred shipping method. Most Pacific Northwest customers receive their product the next business day and expedited shipping is not necessary. Please contact us for your estimated time of delivery before requesting an expedited shipment. 

Residential Address

Should you choose to ship to a residential address, you will be assessed an additional $4.50 residential surcharge. This will be assessed to any order regardless of the amount. 


Occasionally damage does occur during shipping. Whether visible or hidden we request that you accept the shipment. If there is noticeable damage please notify your driver when signing. To receive credit, we ask that you document the damage with pictures and notify us within 24 hours. We also ask that you keep the original packaging until a credit can be approved with the carrier. We will arrange for pickup of the damaged shipment and will issue a credit once received. 


While we try to keep our inventory in-stock at all times, occasionally manufacture back-orders do occur. This could happen for a variety of reasons but quite often are unavoidable due to a shortage of raw materials, etc. If an item is back-ordered we will give you the choice to hold the shipment or release it (based on estimated arrival). Once the shipment is released, we will no longer back-order the item unless otherwise requested. You must re-order to have these items shipped out. 

Refused Orders

Please be prepared to accept your shipment. Should you refuse a shipment, your account will be billed for all additional shipping charges. If two shipments are refused, your account will immediately revert to pre-paid.

Delivery Fee

All deliveries less than $200 will incur a $7.99 delivery charge. Orders between $200 and $249.99 will incur a $4.50 delivery charge. This will be added to your invoice as a freight/delivery charge.


All orders are triple checked before they leave our warehouse and therefore shortages or mis-shipments are extremely rare. In fact, we ship our orders with greater than 99.99% accuracy. If you believe this has occurred please double-check the contents of the shipment. If we happen to short or mis-ship your order please notify us as soon as possible. We will correct our mistake as soon as possible at no additional cost to you.

Special Orders

In order to keep our costs low, we may not stock an item you would like to purchase. If this is the case, please contact us with any special orders for products not listed in this catalog. We have access to thousands of products not listed and will make all reasonable accommodations to fulfill your order. Please note this is not a guarantee of our ability to fulfill your request.

Delivery Back-Orders

While we try to keep inventory in-stock at all times, occasionally manufacture back-orders do occur. This could happen for a variety of reasons but quite often are unavoidable due to a shortage of raw materials, etc. If an item is back-ordered we will give you the choice to back-order the item (based on estimated arrival). Should you choose to back-order the item it will ship or be delivered the same day it arrives at our warehouse. If you choose not to back-order you must re-order the item once it arrives.


Retail prices are suggested by the product manufacturer and are in no way an obligation from Elite Nutritional Products. When price increases do occur, we will give as much advanced notice as possible. However, due to the short notice we are often given, it is not always possible to provide advanced notice. All written material is proofread and while typographical errors do occur they are rare. Elite Nutritional Products is not responsible for these errors nor are we obligated to adhere to any typographical error.

Terms/Conditions of Sale

All sales are FOB Elite Nutritional Products warehouse. The terms and conditions set forth throughout this catalog will govern the contract for sale between the seller and buyer. The seller may alter or expand on these terms of conditions without providing advanced notice to the buyer. 

Payment Terms

First year accounts are prepaid. Following the first year, we may extend terms to those who qualify. Should you request to be put on terms, we ask that you fill out our credit application. Please note, completing the credit application does not imply an acceptance of terms until we provide written proof of acceptance. If approved, we request that you keep a valid credit card on file.

Outstanding balances not received by the invoice due date are subject to a 1.5% per month penalty or 18% annum. This will accrue until the outstanding balance is paid in full. Should your account move to collections, this penalty will accrue until the remaining balance on the account has been paid. 

Stop Payment Fees

Should payment be lost in the mail, you may, at your discretion, stop payment and reissue a different form of payment. You will be responsible for all costs associated with stopping payment and reissuing payment for the respective invoice(s). The seller may, at their discretion, issue a late fee for any payment not received by the due date.

Returned Check Policy

We will redeposit any check returned for NSF and your account will be assessed a $25.00 NSF fee. If the check is returned a second time, your account will be placed on hold. Your account will be moved to certified check, money order or credit card. 

Accounts Receivable/Collections

We know you didn’t get into fitness for the accounting. Sometimes an invoice is misplaced or forgotten or you didn’t prepare for the seasonality of your sales. Whatever the reason, we will always try to work with you. Should a situation arise where you need special assistance, please contact us immediately. If you do not communicate with us we will attempt to contact you three times. If contact cannot be made we will send a written notice that your account will be moved to collections. Should we not hear from you, your account will be moved to collections. Please note that you will be responsible for all collections costs associated with recovering the outstanding balance on your account. 


No returns or exchanges will be allowed without an approved Return Authorization Number (RMA). Please contact us prior to returning a product.

We make every effort to ensure that you have fresh, quality products. This all begins with our industry leading inventory management system. We ensure that our products move from the manufacturer to you in the least amount of time possible. No refund or exchange for expiring product will be given that has been opened, due to over-ordering, expired greater than 30 days ago, discounted for a short date, closeout or discontinued items or sold as-is without warranty. You are responsible for shipping charges on any returned item but we do not require a re-stocking fee. Should the item be defective or spoiled within the manufacture best-by-date, we will ship the replacement at our expense. Should you have a question or concern about a return or exchange, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss this matter with you.

Product Returns for Adverse Effects on Consumers

A Serious Adverse Effect is one that results in death, life threatening experience, inpatient hospitalization, persistent incapacity, congenital anomaly or medical intervention to prevent the before mentioned. As a distributor, Elite Nutritional Products, INC is required to report any information about serious adverse effects associated with the use of these supplements to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). This requirement can be found in the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Protection Act which was enacted on December 22, 2006. Should a product we distributed cause a serious adverse effect we will ask for the necessary information to complete a FDA Form 3500A. Please note that reporting a serious adverse effect is in no way an admission of fault.